Estimation of area 面积估算
leaf area estimation 叶面积估算
area of leaf 叶面积
composition of leaf area 叶面积组成
curve of area of transverse section 尾部横剖面面积曲线
development of leaf area 叶面积发育
index of leaf area 叶面积指数LAI
leaf area of high-yielding population 高产群体叶面积
Leaf area of individual plant 单株叶面积
leaf area of soybean 大豆叶面积
proportion of area of growing cereal 粮食种植比重
rate of leaf area 叶面积率
sink capacity load of leaf area 叶面积载荷量
wetted surface area [= area of wetted surface] 浸水面积; 湿面积
2-D ESPRIT(estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques) 二维ESPRIT
accuracy of estimation 估计准确度; 估计正确性
and blind estimation of PN spreading sequence 伪码序列盲估计
area estimation 面积估计; 面积估算
bayes estimation of variance components Bayes方差分量估计; 变异数成分的贝氏估计